I am scheduled to be induced Monday morning if Aly doesn't decide to make her grand entrance over the weekend. We are supposed to arrive at the hospital at 5 a.m. to get things started. I'm both excited and nervous and think it will be a very surreal feeling to go to bed Sunday night knowing I'll be giving birth the next day. But, I've never been big on surprises so I guess it will give me a chance to get mentally prepared.
Today was my last day at the office before I return as a working mother. And, my desk does not normally look like this.

Usually there are mounds of paper, DVD's, folders and other hazards of the job strewn about. But, today I left with a clean surface area and my time sheets done. I appreciate the 360 guys I work with every day putting up with the "pregnant" girl telling them what to do for the last nine months. They didn't complain when I wore my tennis shoes to work, didn't let me carry any equipment, kept me fed, and even forced me to go home a few times when we were working into the wee hours of the night. Thanks for taking such good care of me guys.

I'm blessed to work with such a great group of people and I will miss my 360 crew and my fun hall mates while I'm out with Aly. However, I'm sure there will be plenty of work to do when I return, and then they'll have to put up with the new mom worrying about her daughter.
So now that I've wrapped things up at work Aly, I guess I will spend the next two days waiting on you. I'll wash some more of your clothes and decide what you'll wear home from the hospital. I can't wait to find out if you are a red head or a brunette. I guess you will let us know the answer to that long awaited question on Monday. I look forward to seeing you then!